Psychological Testing
Misuse of the MMPI and MMPI-2
Scale 5 0verinterpretations
Overinterpretation of the K Scale in Court or Custody Settings
Failure to Recognize the Situational Factors in a Scale 6 Elevation
Departing from Standard Administration Procedures
Overinterpretation of the MMPI Supplementary Scales
Ignoring a Within Normal Limits Profile and Finding Pathology with Projective
Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI and MCMI-II)
Multiphasic Sex Inventory
The Penile Plethysmograph

Misuse of the MMPI and MMPI-2
Ziskin (1981) notes that the MMPI better fits the forensic requirements
for evidence to be believable and understandable than do other assessment
methods. The MMPI has years of validation research and the data obtained
from it are objective and quantifiable. The goal of the MMPI-2 revision
committee was to develop the MMPI-2 so that the research on the original
MMPI was still relevant and usable. There is dispute, however, as to whether
this goal was realized (see Chapter 12 in this volume).
The major problem with the MMPI and MMPI-2 is that mental health professionals
may give testimony that is far beyond what the test can assess. In their
reports, depositions, and testimony these professionals make interpretations
and draw conclusions about how an individual's MMPI is in some fashion typical
or not typical of sex offenders.
The MMPI and the MMPI-2 have no scales that determine whether or not an
individual is a pedophile or a sex offender. There has been research on
MMPI scale elevations in sex offenders, but there is no typical sex offender
MMPI profile. Although mean profiles often involve scales 4 and 8, with
9 and 2 also sometimes elevated, these elevations were also found in murderers,
arsonists, and property offenders in a forensic psychiatric facility (Quinsey
et al., 1980). Elevations on scale 4 are common in prison populations (Murphy
and Peters, 1992). The MMPI cannot establish whether an individual is
a sex offender.
The MMPI and MMPI-2 can provide information about personality characteristics
that can be useful in the overall analysis of a case. It is most useful
when there are allegations of highly deviant, low base rate, or sadistic
abuse which the individual denies, and a valid, within normal limits MMPI
suggests the absence of psychopathology. In such cases, the clinician must
pay attention to the discrepancy.
We have observed several specific errors in interpretation made with the
MMPI in child sexual abuse cases. MMPIs are often overinterpreted and misinterpreted.
Such erroneous interpretations are not simply a matter of a difference of
opinion; they are wrong and cannot be justified by the literature. Psychologists
making such interpretations should be confronted and required to produce
the research supporting their claims.
Scale 5 0verinterpretations
A scale 5 (masculinity-femininity) elevation may be interpreted as reflecting
sexual conflict and sexual dissatisfaction and thus making it likely that
the person committed a sexual offense. We have seen a psychologist testify
that a scale 5 elevation meant the person had a tendency to act out sexually
with a child.
It is mistake to interpret an elevation on scale 5 as reflecting sexual
conflicts or as meaning it is likely that the person is homosexual or a
child molester, since there are many factors behind such an elevation. The
MMPI-2 norms have resulted in much lower scale 5 elevations in males, so
perhaps the frequency of this particular misinterpretation will be less
in the future. Scale 5 is the least well defined and understood of the MMPI
clinical scales (Butcher, 1990).
An elevation on 5 in males is believed to reflect an intelligent, tolerant,
imaginative, creative, sensitive, and empathic individual with a wide range
of interests which do not fit the masculine stereotype. Scale 5 is highly
correlated with education, intelligence, and social class and interpretations
must take these factors into account (Butcher, 1990). A very high elevation
(76 and above) is believed to be found in males who do not identify with
the traditional masculine role and such elevations may indicate passivity
and conflicts over sexual identity. However, there is no indication in the
MMPI literature that child molesters or other sex offenders are more likely
to score high on scale 5. Any testimony that a scale 5 elevation is typical
of pedophiles or child sexual abusers should be countered by the lack of
empirical support for such an assertion.
Overinterpretation of the K Scale in Court or Custody Settings
An overinterpretation of a high K (defensiveness) scale in a court or
custody setting is a common error. Any conclusions about defensiveness on
the MMPI must be qualified in terms of the testing situation. Elevations
on the K scale in persons taking the MMPI in custody and court situations
are common and must not be interpreted as signifying defensiveness as a
personality characteristic. It is a normal and adaptive response to the
situation. Graham (1988) notes that, if he doesn't see an elevation on K
in a custody evaluation, he wonders what is the matter-doesn't the person
want the child?
We have seen numerous forensic cases where a K elevation in an otherwise
within normal limits MMPI was interpreted by the psychologist as "clinically
significant." In one case, the psychologist claimed the K elevation
meant that the client was defensive and was trying to "present himself
in the best light psychologically and emotionally" and was "trying
to answer the questions in the direction of looking good." He further
claimed that "Sexually, this kind of thing (an elevation on the K scale)
is expected." There were no qualifications in terms of the setting
in which the MMPI was taken. In addition, this was a professionally and
occupationally successful man with college education. The person's social
class and educational level must be considered in interpreting K since persons
from higher social classes typically produce K scores on the MMPI-2 between
55 and 65 (Butcher, 1990).
Failure to Recognize the Situational Factors in a Scale 6 Elevation
An elevation in scale 6 (paranoia) is a common response in persons who
have been accused of sexual abuse and who deny the allegations. This is
due to the affirmation of such items as he knows who is responsible for
most of his troubles, someone has it in for him, he believes he is being
plotted against, and he is sure he is being talked about. Rather
than reflecting anger, hostility, suspiciousness, and paranoia as a pathological
personality trait, the endorsement of these persecutory items reflects the
individual's current reality and is a normal response to the situation.
We have done research on this (Wakefield and Underwager, 1988a and 1988b),
and Ziskin (1981) also discusses such situational effects on scale 6 and
recommends caution in interpreting scale 6 elevations in such circumstances.
It is an error to interpret a scale 6 elevation in such a situation as indicating
high defensiveness, anger, distrust, sexual conflict, poor behavioral controls,
and tendencies toward acting out conflicts and impulses. In one case, a
scale 6 elevation in a person accused of sexual abuse was labeled "seriously
abnormal," a "very pathological profile," "scary"
and the conclusion was made that the person was very likely to be a sexual
Departing from Standard Administration Procedures
Occasionally, a psychologist will send MMPIs home to be finished, or
deviate from the standardized administration in other ways. In one case,
the client left several items unanswered and the psychologist called him
up and read the questions and recorded the answers over the telephone.
Whereas psychologists may sometimes deviate from standardized administrations
with therapy clients, it is never acceptable for a forensic evaluation where
the results of the evaluation are to be presented in the justice system
and are to be used in making decisions about people's lives. Ziskin (1981)
warns against this practice:
The "take home" MMPI should be avoided in the forensic situation.
. . . This practice can lead to questions as to whether the individual took
the test in the standard way and whether all of the responses are purely
his own, as highlighted by Graham's amusing anecdote about the mental hospital
patient who had his ward colleagues assist him by voting on the appropriate
answers. (p. 7)
Overinterpretation of the MMPI Supplementary Scales
The supplementary scales must be interpreted cautiously when the basic
clinical scales are within normal limits and the interpretations must be
on the basis of rules based on research. For example, in one case in a custody
evaluation, the clinical scales for the father were all well within normal
limits but the dominance scale was elevated. The MMPI was interpreted as
indicating that the father had a "highly assertive and domineering
style," whose leadership is "characterized by determination, inflexibility,
and an almost autocratic control." In his trial testimony, the psychologist
said that the father was "a very willful man" who has "not
played the game right" and added that "All the time, I suspect
what I saw in my tests undercuts that quite a bit, because assertiveness,
being aggressive, dominance, can become autocraticness, and I think that's
what has happened."
This is a misinterpretation of a dominance scale elevation in an otherwise
within normal limits profile. Caldwell (1988) says the following about the
appropriate interpretation of the Do (dominance) supplementary scale:
Although based on peer nominations of subjects as strong, confident, influential,
unintimidated in face-to-face situations, and showing initiative and leadership.
. .the title "dominance" may be partially misleading. That is,
the scale reflects taking charge of one's own life-or not taking charge-considerably
more than bossiness or being overbearing. Do should be interpreted as taking
charge of one's life. . .e.g. as self-organizing, making workable plans,
and meeting deadlines. (p. 56)
This description, was, in fact, quite accurate for this man.
Ignoring a Within Normal Limits Profile and Finding Pathology with Projective
We see this frequently. The MMPI or MMPI-2 is valid and within normal
limits, but a Rorschach or TAT, or even a Bender, often administered and
scored idiosyncratically, forms the basis for a diagnosis of serious psychopathology.
Two examples:
· The MMPI-2 was within normal limits and not defensive (K = 56). But
the evaluator, who was very sympathetic to the woman who had accused her
former husband of sexually abusing their child, said that this was because
the man, a physician, was "in a sophisticated way, understating concerns
in his life." On the basis of his clinical impressions, a few TAT stories,
and a Rorschach interpreted with no scoring system, he diagnosed the man
as Paranoid Schizophrenic and said that he was threatening and potentially
dangerous. The man, a successful physician, had no history of mental illness
nor dangerous or violent behavior, but expressed his anger at being falsely
accused of sexually abusing his child.
· The MMPI was moderately defensive and within normal limits. But,
on the basis of a Rorschach and the House-Tree-Person test, the man was
said to have tied up his son with a blue bicycle chain and sodomized him.
The Rorschach (which had no unusual responses) was interpreted as: ".
. .highly defensive stance which is accompanied with blocking, censoring,
and inhibition of his underlying affect. . . .an undercurrent of anxiety,
unrequited love, and cloaked sexuality...difficulty with relating appropriately
to others...latent polymorphous perverse orientation to the environment.
. .fantasies (that may include) homosexual, bisexual, and exhibitionist
feelings. . .hostility toward women. . ."
In such cases, the attorney can have the psychologist read the interpretation
out loud, ask for the scientific literature supporting the assertions and
the scientific literature supporting any contrary interpretations and make
it clear to the finder-of-fact that this is meaningless jargon.
Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI and MCMI-II)
When the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory, along with the computerized
interpretation is used, the psychologist is apt to report significant psychopathology.
The computerized interpretation of the MCMI-II may be lifted verbatim and
without qualification from the computerized printout which accompanies the
test scoring.
This practice is a particular problem with the MCMI-II, which is normed
on and intended to be used for a clinical population. When used for other
assessment purposes, the MCMI-II must be interpreted extremely cautiously
because of its tendency to overpathologize. The result of using these computerized
interpretations greatly exaggerates psychopathology.
The problem is not in the test, but in its misuse. The test is normed entirely
on clinical samples and is only intended for persons who have psychological
symptoms and are being assessed for treatment and evaluation. The manual
(Millon, 1987) clearly states that this test is "not a general personality
instrument to be used for 'normal' populations or for purposes other than
diagnostic screening or clinical assessments." (p. 7) Millon has repeatedly
warned against using the inventory with people who are not psychiatric patients
because the test norms may not be valid if the subject does not fit the
standardizing (psychiatric) group (Choca et al., 1992) .
The MCMI can provide useful information when interpreted cautiously and
conservatively. Choca et al. (1992) state that there is nothing intrinsically
wrong with using the MCMI to test "normal" people as long as the
evaluator is aware that the test was designed for and standardized with
a psychiatric population. The user will have to make the appropriate adjustments.
But this is seldom done. The computerized narrative must never be lifted
verbatim into the report since it may find serious psychopathology and personality
disorders in just about everyone. The attorney should vigorously cross-examine
a psychologist who does this.
Multiphasic Sex Inventory
The Multiphasic Sex Inventory (MSI) (Nichols and Molinder, 1984) is
a self-report questionnaire which consists of statements about sexual activities,
problems, and experiences. It has scales which assess the level of openness
about the deviant sexual behaviors. The authors state that it has been used
by over 1400 clinicians, clinics, universities, and institutions. Although
the authors report on the use of the MSI in studies of sex offenders, it
has not been reviewed in Buros. It is intended to be used in assessing sex
offenders to develop treatment plans and to be used during treatment to
assess progress. However, it is also sometimes used to assess an individual
who denies sexual abuse to determine whether the individual actually is
an abuser.
This test is not intended for this purpose. It must never be used when the
defendant is denying the offense. The manual accompanying the MSI states,
"[I]t is important to remember that the MSI is not appropriate for
use in the legal pursuit of guilt or innocence. The alleged offender must
acknowledge culpability in order for the inventory to be used" (Nichols
and Molinder, 1984, p. 39). It must never be used on an individual who denies
being a sex offender or as part of an assessment to determine whether someone
who denies an alleged sex offense is likely to have actually done it.
The Penile Plethysmograph
The penile plethysmograph is a technique which attempts to measure sexual
arousal by recording the penile responses during the presentation of sexual
stimuli. The stimuli consist of slides of nude male and female adults and
children and the audiotapes portray a variety of sexual activities. During
the presentation of the stimuli, the penile responses are recorded with
a volumetric or a circumferential device. Supporters claim that this technique
permits assessment of sexual arousal and hence, sexual preferences and deviancy.
This technique is controversial and should never be used with someone who
denies sexual abuse in order to assess the veracity of the denial. Plethysmograph
researchers claim that plethysmography can be useful in treatment, but is
of limited use with known sex offenders in predicting future behavior, and
is of no use in screening a normal population. It cannot be used to determine
whether a person who has been accused of sexual abuse and is denying it
is telling the truth. There are virtually no data related to the use of
the plethysmograph with adolescents (Murphy et al., 1991). Despite these
limitations, the plethysmograph is often used in evaluations of both adults
and adolescents in sexual offense cases.
Problems with the penile plethysmograph include:
· There is a lack of standardization for training in the use of the
plethysmograph (Murphy and Peters, 1992).
· There are no standards controlling the type of erotic stimuli used
and the method of presentation (Barker and Howell, 1992; Murphy and Peters,
1992; Schouten and Simon, 1992; Simon and Schouten, 1991).
· There are no generally agreed-upon guidelines as to normal and deviant
phallometric response ranges (Simon and Schouten, 1991).
· There is a lack of adequate normative data in which the sexually
deviant population is compared to a normal population. Without standardized
norms, interpretation is impossible (Barker and Howell, 1992).
· Studies with normal controls indicate that a high percentage of control
subjects respond with deviant arousal patterns (Annon, 1993; Freund and
Watson, 1991; Simon and Schouten, 1991). The high percentage of normal controls
who show arousal to deviant stimuli on the plethysmograph means that arousal
to deviant themes does not confirm sexual deviance.
· Subjects are readily able to manipulate their erectile responses.
There is no completely adequate way or generally accepted procedures for
detecting, preventing, or correcting for faking on the plethysmograph (Barker
and Howell, 1992; Hall et al., 1988; Langevin, 1988; Murphy and Peters,
1992; Proulx et al., 1993; Quinsey and Laws, 1990; Schouten and Simon, 1992;
Simon and Schouten, 1991; Travin et al., 1988).
· Although some research with adults has been able to separate offenders
from nonoffenders on the group level, statistically significant differences
between groups does not automatically translate into functionally significant
differences for interpreting an individual's pattern of erectile responding
(Marshall and Eccles,1991; Murphy and Peters, 1992).
· Incestuous offenders tend to show arousal patterns that are similar
to nonoffenders (Murphy and Peters, 1992).
· Efforts to calculate a "pedophile index" and use a cutoff
score or the use of discriminate analyses results in many misclassifications
and produces a high rate of both false negatives and false positives (Murphy
and Peters, 1992; Simon and Schouten, 1991).
· Although reliability is necessary for the plethysmograph to be valid,
the reliability in studies is influenced by variables such as the length
of the test-retest interval, selection bias, stimulus content, and scoring
methods. The research shows reliability coefficients ranging from .38 to
.94 (Simon and Schouten, 1991).
· The research on the relationship between changes in arousal patterns
after treatment and recidivism is limited and the evidence is that changes
in erectile responding with treatment do not predict outcome (Blader and
Marshall, 1989).
· Although the rationale for using the plethysmograph is that psychophysiological
assessment is necessary because sex offenders cannot be taken at their word,
one study (Day et al., 1989) found that the self-report measures (MSI scales)
were superior to psychophysiological measures in discriminating between
groups classified on the basis of their offenses.
· Although the rationale for using the plethysmograph is that it can
detect deviant arousal in offenders who are not truthful concerning their
erotic likes and dislikes, the plethysmograph is not very sensitive for
offenders who do not admit to a corresponding erotic preference (Freund
and Watson, 1991).
· The evidence does not provide adequate support for the hypothesized
relationship between sexual arousal in the laboratory and overt sexual acts
(Barker and Howell, 1992; Hall et al., 1988; Simon and Schouten, 1991).
· Not all sex offenders have deviant arousal patterns that correspond
to their criminal sexual behavior (Hall et al., 1988; Marshall and Eccles,
Murphy and Peters (1992) conclude about the forensic use of the penile plethysmograph:
The results of the studies using erection data suggest that, although group
differences are reliably found, the ability to classify an individual would
produce error rates that would not be appropriate for the trial situation.
In addition, in cases of incest or when patients deny charges, one would
even expect to find either no responding in the laboratory or a normal response
pattern. Further, it is clear that individuals can fake their responses
and the absence of significant responding is basically meaningless in terms
of a clinical interpretation. Like the MMPI literature, we find the conditions
under which the test has been validated do not meet legal requirements.
(pp. 32-33)
Simon and Schouten (1991) argue:
The use of phallometric findings for important clinical and legal decisions
and scientific inquiry should reflect a full appreciation of the measurement
technique and the assumptions underlying its use. This becomes possible
given adequate empirical support and clear explication of general principles.
The validity and clinical utility of plethysmography in the assessment and
treatment of sexual deviance remain to be established. (p. 87)
Barker and Howell (1992) state:
Misuse of the plethysmograph is a major concern. Using the plethysmograph
to predict innocence, guilt, or likelihood of reoffending is beyond the
scope of the test's validity. In this application the plethysmograph has
not "gained the general acceptance" required by Frye vs. United
States to be acceptable in a court of law. (p. 22)
McConaghy (1989) observes:
Though never validated as a measure of individuals' sexual arousal, PVR
measures of erection are currently widely recommended for assessment and
determining treatment of individual sex offenders. If these assessments
could affect or are believed by the offenders to affect the outcome of the
legal processes in which they are involved, the procedure is not only scientifically
unsupported, it is unethical. (p. 357)
Pithers (quoted in Annon, 1993), in a deposition, states:
I know of no psychometric procedure or psychophysiological procedures that
can be used to demonstrate with psychological certainty that a person has
committed a legal offense or engaged in child sexual abuse or is likely
to do so in the future. That is the province of sorcerers and witches, not
of a psychologist. It clearly asserts that the practitioner has special
powers beyond which most psychologists would assert themselves to have;
and therefore, I believe it is a highly inappropriate response and potentially
one for consideration by an ethical board. (p. 40)
In conclusion, research does not support the use of the plethysmograph as
a technique to determine whether an individual who denies abuse is, in fact,
sexually deviant, to make sentencing recommendations, or to predict recidivism.
It is not generally accepted in the scientific community and meets neither
the Frye test nor Daubert.