Child Sexual Abuse Allegations: Investigative Approaches and Identifying Alternative Hypotheses
Lawrence W. Daly*
ABSTRACT: Child sexual abuse cases require a creative, thorough,
and objective approach. Preexisting biases, however, often result
in misdirected and inadequate investigations that do not serve the
interests of either the child or the accused. A systematic
consideration of alternative hypotheses will facilitate a responsible
and careful investigation that provides accurate and helpful
Developing a broader perspective, understanding and approach to an
allegation of child abuse is difficult. A common downfall is a
lack of objectivity and the failure to consider, explore, eliminate and
choose the hypothesis which best fits the data. Investigators
often fail to understand the circumstances surrounding the allegation,
the reasonableness of the alleged acts, and the numerous alternative
Many professionals think that considering all alternative hypotheses
is not necessary since the child's statements are credible and thus
sufficient. This naive belief is one of the major causes of false
allegations. No possibilities, leads, facts, issues, or
suggestions from others should be overlooked. Since the crimes of
sexual and physical abuse of children are serious and the punishments
severe, a haphazard, inadequate, or simplistic investigation is
detrimental to both the child and the accused.
In order to approach any case, the investigator must have a thorough
understanding of all relevant facts and issues. Failure to obtain,
review and understand the general to specific information about a case
will likely lead to a misdirected investigation without integrity,
quality, innovation or depth.
Reviewing the Case Facts and Issues
The investigator should take the following steps before determining
which investigative approaches are necessary:
Carefully interview the reporting party concerning what
knowledge and understanding he or she has about the facts and
issues. |
Obtain any and all documents the reporting party may have
about the case. |
Obtain, review, identify, and understand what information
individuals may have about the case. |
Obtain, review and understand any resources that are readily
accessible. |
After the above is completed, reexamine all the information
obtained to date. |
After completing this initial discovery phase of the case facts and
issues, the initial approach to the case in chief is planned.
Case Analysis and Case Action Plan
A careful case analysis is necessary for an effective and successful
investigation. The case analysis gives the investigator and client
a breakdown of the case and identifies areas that should be
addressed. It provides a basic understanding of how the case looks
after the persons, records, and issues are identified. Anyone
should be able to pick up the case analysis and, upon reading it,
understand the key aspects of the case.
The categories generally utilized in a child abuse allegation are:
 | Victim(s) |
 | Relatives |
 | Other Witnesses |
 | Child Protective Services |
 | Police Personnel |
 | Counselors |
 | Teachers |
 | Foster Homes |
 | Medical Personnel |
 | Day Cares |
 | Evidence |
 | Records |
 | Suggestions and Approaches (Case Action Plan) |
 | Motions |
 | Notes/Comments |
Once the case analysis has been completed, the case action plan is
developed. The case action plan prioritizes the specific tasks and
general investigative approaches documented during the review of the
case. It is used in developing the alternative hypotheses and
approaches to the case in chief.
Hypotheses/Approach: The Need to Look for Alternatives
In the past decade, many professionals maintained that children do
not lie about sexual abuse and do not have the knowledge to provide
details of sexual behavior unless they have been abused. These
simplistic beliefs are not supported by empirical evidence. They
exist among professionals who have limited investigative experience and
knowledge and a perspective that lacks objectivity about children's
abilities as witnesses. Such beliefs will result in omission of
important information and mistaken conclusions about the case.
Each alleged crime of child physical and sexual abuse is
unique. Because of the individual characteristics of each case,
the investigative methods must be creative and cover every aspect of the
general and specific allegations. The investigator should begin
formulating hypotheses and approaches from the beginning and continue
until each piece of information, element, issue, and fact concerning the
allegations has been obtained, identified and corroborated.
Failure to use innovative and creative approaches and ignoring other
possibilities and explanations is simply dangerous and likely to lead to
a conclusion based on opinions and preexisting biases rather than on
It is not the job of the investigator to be judge or jury, but rather
to gather and document information. It is not the role of the
investigator to determine which of the final hypotheses is the
"correct" one; this ultimate question is the function of the
finder of fact. The role of the investigator is to look at all
reasonable hypotheses and provide information concerning how well they
fit the available facts. Understanding this will provide a check
and balance system that will reduce the potential for reaching
conclusions based on hunches, opinions, and biases rather than providing
helpful information based on careful fact-finding methods and creative
Defining a Hypothesis
The investigator must learn the basic elements of a hypothesis and an
approach. A "hypothesis" is defined as:
An assertion subject to verification or proof, as: |
A proposition stated as a basis for argument or reasoning. |
A premise from which a conclusion is drawn. |
A conjecture that accounts, within a theory or set of coherent
beliefs, for a set of facts and that can be used as a basis for
further investigation. |
An assumption used as the basis for action.
Defining an Approach
An "approach" is defined as:
 | To come near or nearer in space, time, or magnitude. |
 | To come close to in appearance, quality, condition, or other
characteristics; approximate. |
 | To make a proposal to; make overtures to. |
 | To begin to deal with or work on. |
 | To bring or draw closer. |
 | The method used to deal with or work on. |
 | The method used in dealing with or accomplishing something. |
 | A way or means of reaching someone or a destination; an access.
Three Phases of Hypotheses
There are three phases the investigator must process through before
coming to the final hypothesis. These three phases are the
initial, alternative and final hypotheses.
The Initial Hypotheses and Approach to the Case
In order to properly approach a case, many hypotheses must be
identified and prioritized before creating a specific approach and case
action plan. Steps to be followed to develop hypotheses are:
Review all the materials in reference to the case in chief. |
Identify all of the sources of information through all of the
resources identified in the case analysis. |
Set in motion basic investigative responsibilities such as
obtaining backgrounds on the alleged victim, witnesses,
professionals, and listed experts. |
Identify and evaluate the position of the opposing party and
the experts. Consider and compare this to the evaluation and
approach of the case. |
Understand completely what acts are being alleged by the
opposing party. Once these acts are identified, the hypotheses
should begin to form. |
The initial hypotheses provide multiple avenues, choices, and
theories to begin the investigation. This should be the staring point
for a creative and imaginative structuring of ideas and hunches that are
either supported or refuted by the facts of the case.
Alternative Hypotheses
The alternative hypotheses create avenues for exploring other
possibilities that have developed as the initial hypotheses either gain
strength or are eliminated. Although alternative hypotheses are
often overlooked, they are crucial in the evaluation and examination of
the evidence. During this stage, the investigator should begin
eliminating unsupported hypotheses and build upon those that do have
The original case action plan must be reexamined in terms of the
information that has been gathered to date. A revised case action
plan should then be organized and put into place.
Final Hypotheses
The final hypotheses complete the investigation. The process of
elimination that began with the alternative hypotheses now comes to a
conclusion. The relevant facts will have passed through the
building and balancing stages and either created final hypotheses or
completely eliminated from consideration the initial theory of the case
in chief. The investigator may be torn between many hypotheses,
but the case theory should be limited to one or two hypotheses.
This is not as easy task.
Checks and Balance Methods to Keep the Investigator Focused
on the Facts
Throughout the three hypotheses phases, there must be a systematic
way to ensure that the hypotheses under consideration are based on
supported material and relevant information rather than on preconceived
biases. This entire process must take place with an open
mind. The hypotheses created must be examined with "the
reasonable man standard" that is, if the hypotheses are
reasonable and make sense, it is likely that most reasonable individuals
presented with the facts would agree that the approach and hypotheses
are proper. The hypotheses should be examined with the following
1. |
Objectivity: The hypotheses must be approached with an open
mind. An objective investigation promotes reasonableness,
integrity, and credibility. The mission is one of finding
facts rather than of confirming preconceived ideas. |
2. |
General to specific ideas: The hypotheses should first be
identified, developed, and considered from the most general
information, facts, and issues. The specific information,
facts, and issues should then be considered. |
3. |
From everyone's viewpoint: The hypotheses should be seen
through the eyes of all of the witnesses experts and opposing
counsel. The investigator should ask:
 | Is it reasonable what the witnesses allege they know, saw,
felt or heard? |
 | Does the information being provided by the witnesses ring
true? |
 | Does the information make sense? Is it logical? |
 | Is the information consistent with the information, facts,
and issues? |
4. |
The full circle: The process of elimination should narrow the
focus to one or two hypotheses, moving towards the center of a
circle. This approach eliminates, adds, and reduces all
the possibilities and explanations. This should be seen as
moving from left to right, corner to corner, ultimately
advancing to the middle of the circle, which should contain the
final hypothesis. |
5. |
Intellectual honesty built in checks and balances: The
case must be an honest evaluation of the information, facts, and
issues. If a check and balance system is not incorporated,
the investigator may fall victim to preconceived biases and
ideas. |
6. |
Thoroughness: Each hypothesis must be explored
thoroughly. The above criteria are useful in creating and
eliminating hypotheses until one or two final hypotheses are
determined to be the most reasonable.
Three Case Studies
Read each of the following cases and create initial hypotheses,
alternative hypotheses, final hypotheses and a case action plan.
While you are reading the case studies, be creative and force yourself
to come up with your own hypotheses about what may be the bases for the
allegations. Even if your initial hypothesis appears compelling,
still go through the steps of considering all possible alternatives.
Case Study #1
Jamie is a 5-year-old female. She is a possible victim of
sexual abuse. The alleged perpetrator is her father. The
following is a summary of the case facts:
Jamie's father and mother have been married for ten years.
The relationship appears to be amicable. Recently, there have
been several arguments between Jamie's parents about the hours Jamie's
father is spending at work. Although both parents work, Jamie's
father has been working a lot of overtime lately. He states that
the overtime is mandatory. Jamie's mother calls her husband's
employer and ascertains that he has not been putting in the hours he
has claimed he has been putting in. Jamie's mother thinks back
to the past few weeks and realizes that her husband has been coming
home with alcohol on his breath. The other thing she remembers
is waking up and finding her husband in bed with Jamie without any
clothes on. She thought that Jamie's behavior had been peculiar
since that night.
An interview of Jamie by her mother occurs. In the interview
Jamie alleges that her father touched her on the outside of her
pajamas in the vaginal area on the evening he slept with her.
She states the touching woke her up. She told her mother when
she woke up to the touching, she rolled over and went back to sleep.
At this point the mother stopped the interview and called the
police. Jamie's father is contacted at work by the police.
He denies that he ever sexually touched his daughter and that the
charges are ridiculous.
Based on the above case facts, what hypotheses and ultimate approach
would you most likely take in reference to this case? Possible
hypotheses and approaches are:
Initial Hypotheses and Questions to be Investigated
 | Jamie's father may have sexually molested her. |
 | Why didn't the mother recognize the alcohol on her husband's
breath until after finding him in bed with her daughter? |
 | There is a possibility that the father is having an affair. Otherwise why would he have to lie? |
 | The father was drunk. Did he know what was going on and did he
touch his daughter? |
 | Something else happened with Jamie. |
 | The father is lying for a reason. Which reason and why? |
 | The father was drunk and touched his daughter while intoxicated.
Accident only, not sexual in intent. |
 | The father was drunk and touched his daughter sexually. |
 | Jamie is mad because her father spends so little time with her so
she made up the touching. |
 | The mother suspects the father of having an affair and is trying
to punish him so she made this up. |
 | Nothing happened in bed. |
 | The mother found her husband in bed with Jamie and is afraid
something happened so she pressured Jamie to make allegations. |
 | The mother is jealous because her husband doesn't spend much time
with her so she is trying to get back at him.
Case Action Plan (Approach)
 | Conduct a background check on both parents. |
 | Interview neighbor(s). |
 | Interview the father's employer. |
 | Determine where the father had been drinking. |
 | Interview the bar to determine how much he drank and the time span. |
 | Draw up a chart of events. |
 | Determine when all of this began, i.e. drinking, coming home late, touching incident. |
 | Make diagram of the bedroom. |
 | Interview the child. |
 | Determine alcohol level of father. |
 | Determine what the arguments/conflicts were about. |
 | Determine the peculiar behavior of Jamie. |
 | Determine when the father went to bed prior to the incident. |
 | Interview the employer of the mother. |
 | Interview teachers or day care. |
 | Interview anyone to whom the child disclosed the information. |
 | Interview friends of the child. |
 | Have the child medically examined. |
 | Obtain all of the family's medical records. |
 | Obtain all of the family's counseling records. |
 | Get sexual deviance evaluation for father. |
 | Get psychological evaluation for mother and Jamie. |
 | Interview other siblings or relatives.
Alternative Hypotheses
 | Jamie could have been sexually touched at school, or by neighbors,
uncle or cousins. |
 | Nothing happened. |
 | Father touched her vaginal area by mistake. |
 | Father has a severe alcohol problem. |
 | Mother was sexually abused and is overly suspicious. |
 | Mother suffers from psychiatric disorder and misinterprets events.
Most likely Final Hypotheses
 | The father is having an affair and the mother wants to punish him,
or the husband is lying for a reason. |
 | The father is innocent. |
 | The father has an alcohol problem. |
 | The father committed the sexual abuse.
Case Study #2
Sally is a 9-year-old female. She is alleging that her neighbor and
best friend's father sexually assaulted her. The following is a summary
of the case facts:
Sally lives next door to her best friend Sara. They have been best
friends since Sally moved into the neighborhood three years ago.
generally spends the majority of her time at Sarah's house. Sarah's
father generally arrives home before Sally leaves for home.
There have been no arguments between Sally and Sarah's father and there
have been no incidents of negative discipline.
A week ago Sally was playing with her friend Jean at her house.
were in Sally's bedroom playing with their Barbies. As Sally's mother
walked past the bedroom door, she heard Sally tell Jean that Sarah's
father is a rapist. After Jean went home, Sally's mother brought her into her
bedroom and asked her why she thought Sarah's father was a
rapist. Sally began to
cry. Sally's mother asked Sally if Sarah's father had touched her
inappropriately. Sally said, "He touched me in my private
area." At
this time Sally's mom told her she was proud of her for telling her and
that they needed to tell someone who could protect her and Sarah.
Sally and her mother went to the police station and Sally was interviewed by the
police. Sarah's father was contacted by the police and denied all of the
Based on the above case facts, what hypotheses and ultimate approach
would you most likely take in reference to this case? Possible
hypotheses and approaches are:
Initial Hypotheses and Questions to be
 | Sarah's father did sexually molest Sally. |
 | Sarah's father molested Sarah and Sarah told Sally about it. |
 | Sarah's father molested Sarah in front of Sally. |
 | Sally made the story up. |
 | Someone else molested Sally and she is afraid to say who did it so
she blamed Sarah's father. |
 | Sally's father sexually molested Sally. |
 | A male relative of Sally's molested her. |
 | A male friend or relative of Sarah's father molested Sarah, who
told Sally about it. |
 | Sally's mother stated that she was proud of Sally for her telling
her about the incident therefore making Sally feel good about what she
did. |
 | Sally stated that Sarah's father is a rapist when most likely she
doesn't understand exactly what occurs in a rape. |
 | The mother immediately asked if she was touched inappropriately
instead of getting Sally's response first. |
 | Why did Sally disclose such information to Jean? |
 | What does Sally think a rapist is? |
 | Why did Sally state that Sarah's father was a rapist?
Case Action Plan (Approach)
 | Do a background check on Sally's parents. |
 | Conduct a search for prior residences and interview neighbors. |
 | Indicate the workplace of Sally's parents. |
 | Conduct a child interview of (indicate facts): |
 | Indicate whether Sally has had prior counseling. |
 | Make a diagram of the room. |
 | Arrange for a medical exam, depending on length of time. |
 | Conduct interviews of old and new neighbors of Sally's. |
 | Indicate movies that Sally's family views. |
 | Conduct interviews of Jean's and Sarah's families. |
 | Conduct interviews of work associates for both parents. |
 | Identify the time span of how long they were together each day. |
 | Identify if the father and Sally were ever alone. |
 | Identify how many children were present after school with her
every day. |
 | Speak with teachers (old and new) of Sally. |
 | Obtain school records. |
 | Indicate why Sally's parents moved. |
 | Indicate whether Sally's parents ever have had counseling. |
 | Do a pattern of growing up: |
Parents divorced?
Lives with what parents?
Has she ever run away or thought about it?
Was she ever a victim in the past?
Has she ever alleged this before?
 | Determine exactly to whom Sally first disclosed the information. |
 | Determine if Sally has ever sexually acted out. |
 | Determine what time Sally and Sarah get out of school. What tasks
do they perform when they get home?
Alternative Hypotheses
 | Sally thought her mother wanted her to say she had been touched. |
 | Sarah's mother wanted revenge and told Sally to say these things. |
 | Sally has seen her parents' pornographic videos and is parroting
what she heard. |
 | Sally has been reading books about rapists. |
 | Sarah's father is guilty. |
 | Sarah fabricated the story. |
 | The initial interview was suggestive and leading, causing an
unintentional false disclosure.
Final Hypotheses
 | Sally was molested by Sarah's father. |
 | The initial interview conducted by Sally's mother was suggestive
and leading, causing an unintentional false disclosure.
Case Study #3
Katrina is a 13-year-old female. She is alleging she was sexually
assaulted by two brothers who picked her up hitchhiking. The following
is a summary of the case facts:
Katrina was picked up by two brothers, Mike and Bill, as she walked
east on Portland Blvd. She willingly got into the truck and was driven to
the home of three of her girlfriends. At the girlfriends' house, she picks up clothing and
tries to get one of her girlfriends to come with her. This does not
She was ultimately and voluntarily taken to Mike and Bill's house,
where she drank three wine coolers and several glasses of hard liquor.
She was a runaway and had been so for three days prior to Mike and
Bill picking her up.
At bedtime, she went to Mike's room and slept with him. She alleges
that she was forced to have sexual intercourse with Mike.
After they had sexual intercourse, she alleges she was taken into
Bill's bedroom where Mike put her into bed with Bill.
She said, she fell asleep but awoke to Bill having sexual intercourse
with her.
She then fell back to sleep. She awoke the next morning, took a
shower and was taken to school. Later that afternoon she reported to her
school counselor that she had been raped by Mike and Bill.
Based on the above case facts, what hypotheses and ultimate approach
would you most likely take in reference to this case? Possible
hypotheses and approaches are:
Initial Hypotheses and Questions to be Investigated
 | Katrina voluntarily had sex with both Mike and Bill and then felt
bad about it afterwards. |
 | Katrina was raped by Mike both times but was too drunk to know who
she was with the second time. |
 | Katrina consented to sex with Mike the first time and Mike raped
her the second time. |
 | Katrina didn't have sex with either Mike or Bill but made the
story up to get attention from her family. |
 | Katrina was in trouble at school and made the story up to deflect
attention away from this. |
 | Katrina consented to having sex with Mike the first time and later
was raped by Bill. |
 | How did Katrina know that she slept with the other brother? |
 | Katrina was sexually involved with someone else but transferred
the blame to Mike and Bill. |
 | Katrina didn't feel right about what happened and decided to get
even with the two boys. |
 | Katrina was in too deep for her age. |
 | Katrina is a teenage runaway with serious problems other than from
this incident. |
 | Does Katrina have problems with truthfulness? |
 | Katrina voluntarily went to the residence and then was unsure of
what to do. |
 | Katrina wanted to have friends at any cost. |
 | Katrina had far too much alcohol for her age and size. She really
wasn't sure what was happening. |
 | Does Katrina have problems with alcohol? |
 | Is Katrina sexually active? |
 | Katrina was too young and naive to know what was going on. |
 | Katrina had too much to drink and dreamt the rapes. |
 | Katrina needed someone to blame for her problems.
Case Action Plan (Approach)
 | Background check on Katrina and family. |
 | Determine if she slept with anyone prior to this incident. |
 | Determine if she has had prior counseling. |
 | Determine reason for running away. |
 | Determine alcohol use history. |
 | Interview Katrina's friend's. |
 | Interview both brothers. |
 | Interview Katrina's parents. |
 | Interview the girlfriends that she saw that night. |
 | Interview Katrina's teachers. |
 | Interview the counselor to whom Katrina disclosed the information. |
 | Get diagram of the rooms and hall. |
 | Determine whether her family has had any counseling. |
 | Diagram of the directions and roads that she took for the
hitchhiking. |
 | Make up a schedule of events. |
 | Get medical examination on Katrina for sperm culture. |
 | Get blood tests on both brothers. |
 | Attempt to determine blood alcohol content in Katrina.
Alternative Hypotheses
 | Katrina was raped twice by the same person. |
 | Katrina was raped by both Mike and Bill. |
 | Katrina was not raped. |
 | Katrina was a victim of sexual abuse, too drunk to perceive any
incident, but it was not a rape.
Final Hypotheses
 | Katrina was raped by one person. |
 | Katrina voluntarily slept with Mike the first time and Mike raped
her the second time in Bill's bed.
Each case of child abuse allegations presents individual
characteristics, nuances, and specific facts and issues. It is the
responsibility and primary role of the investigator to find the facts
that support the most reasonable hypotheses. The investigator's role
must be that of an objective fact finder whose mission is to conduct a
thorough and credible investigation. Any and all hypotheses that could
possibly fit the facts must be considered. As the hypotheses are being
processed, the focus of the investigation becomes more specific and
A proper case management method is imperative. The case analysis and
case action plan are two proven methods that provide direction and
insight. By using this case management system, hypotheses which have no
validity or credibility and fail to pass the reasonable standard test
will be eliminated, culminating in one or two final hypotheses.
Although the above case studies may yield other possible hypotheses,
the examples illustrate the benefit of systematically considering
alternative hypotheses. The investigator should approach child abuse
allegations with the understanding that anything is possible. This
permits an objective and open-minded investigation that aids the finder
of fact and serves the interest of both the accused and the child.
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