A Suggested Civil Action When Falsely Accused
Ralph Underwager, Eliot Clauss, and Hollida Wakefield*
When falsely accused, some persons want to get it
behind them, close it off, forget it, and build a new life. Others are so
damaged and depressed they choose to withdraw and may cease to function.
For others there is a strong desire for vindication and justification.
want to find a way, somehow, to clear their name of the label child
molester. In some instances there is an additional element of anger and
seeking vengeance. Some say they want to find a way to change the system
so others will not have to go through the hellish stress they have
experienced. The most frequent sentiment we have heard is the desire to do
something that will protect children from the damage and harm done to
children by false accusations.
Those who have been falsely accused and have gone
through adjudication to hear a not guilty verdict or a finding of fact of
no abuse invariably hear someone say, "Well, that doesn't mean he
didn't do it. It just means we couldn't prove it." Often the person
saying that will add "... and I know (believe) he really did it."
Against such arrogance and insistence upon self-serving higher knowledge
there is little or no recourse. Therefore falsely accused individuals
often find themselves frustrated, blocked, and forced into a continued
defensive posture about their life and character. Most persons falsely
accused at one time or another consider a civil action as a recourse, a
remedy, or an attempt to clear their name. They soon discover, however,
that it may be difficult to find an attorney willing to take their case.
Civil actions are costly, hard to establish and prove, and encounter the
immunity, either absolute or qualified, courts have granted to reporters and
professionals within the system. Malice, particularly, is difficult to
There are two distinct groups that are active in
developing and pursuing allegations that are false. They are, first, the
lay persons who become involved at the beginning and bring an accusation
to the attention of authorities. The second group is those who are in the
system — mental health professionals, social workers, law enforcement, victim
advocates, guardians ad litem and prosecutors. In the course of
investigating or pursuing an accusation, some people in both groups come
to a belief the accusation is true and a particular identified individual
is the perpetrator. This conclusion then appears in documents, reports,
testimony, etc. Expression of the opinion a person is a child abuser or
child molester may be publication of a defamatory statement and may offer
a basis for a defamation action.
In describing the liability and vulnerability of
professionals dealing with child abuse, Besharov (1985) describes the
issue of defamation in this fashion.
Until recently it would have been said with great
certainty that a successful challenge to established agency and
professional practices would be unlikely. But this has changed.
Heightened public and professional concern over child abuse — especially
sexual abuse — has led to the adoption of a number of questionable
practices. Some agencies, for example, now authorize (or require)
intervention based on the most tenuous of circumstantial evidence.
Circumstantial evidence is often the only way to establish that a child
has been abused. ... In a misguided attempt to protect children, however,
there has been a recent tendency to use these "behavioral
indicators" as the sole (italics author's) basis for intervention.
This is a mistake. Behavioral indicators are notoriously overinclusive;
their use as the sole basis of decision falsely labels many innocent
parents. Ignoring this reality will expose workers and agencies to
recurrent law suits (D. J. Besharov, 1985. The Vulnerable Social
Silver Spring, MD. National Association of Social Workers, p.90).
Elliot Clauss, attorney, in responding for a client
to a false allegation of child sexual abuse, has pursued a civil
action involving defamation and added a new consideration, that
labeling someone a child abuser or child molester is defamatory and
malicious per se and does not require any demonstration of malice or
damages. Traditionally, to claim that a woman is unchaste is
defamatory per se. However, to say that a man is unchaste is not also
considered defamatory. In this claim, Mr. Clauss is attempting to
extend the principle of defamation per se to the situation where a
man is labeled a child molester.
In pursuit of this claim, he asked us to provide a
scholarly examination of the similarity between labeling a woman a
prostitute, whore, or slut and labeling a man a child molester. In
this article we reproduce Mr. Clauss's Memorandum of Law, our Affidavit,
and a partial transcript of a hearing to illustrate the judge's
response to the presentation of the issue. The judge did not rule on
the issue of per se defamation yet. He reserved that ruling to follow
the full presentation of the claims in trial. We reproduce this
material because of its intrinsic interest and as an example for
possible avenues to deal with the situation and the emotions generated
by a false accusation of child sexual abuse. In the Memorandum of Law
and the partial transcript all names and any identifying data have
been changed to fictitious names and information.
JULY, 1989
I. Preliminary Statement
Defendants seek summary judgment claiming in essence
that to ask a person "when did you stop beating your wife" does
not defame that person because the question does not affirmatively and
expressly accuse the person of the crimes of assault and battery. Like the
defendant in Ventresca v. Kissner, 105 Conn. 533 (1927), defendants here might argue that to say
"Maria Ventresca is a bad woman. She runs around with her
boarders" does not constitute defamation per se, because jogging
with one's tenants is perfectly acceptable behavior.
Defendants' effort to claim that the words they spoke
and actions they took were innocuous should be rejected by this Court as
vacuous posturing.
The complaint in this case alleges that defendant
Dennis Crawford as an agent of Happy Hills Camp ("HHC") and the
co-defendants publicly said of the plaintiff: "Watch out for John Doe
because he's known for liking young boys. If he ever tries anything, just
tell one of us." Amended Complaint, paragraph 10. Following that
conversation, plaintiff was told to leave the 1988 HHC session because of
his "inappropriate behavior, i.e. preoccupation with young
boys." At the time plaintiff was ousted the defendants knew there was
no truth to at least one alleged incident of "inappropriate
behavior" and none of the other defendants had made any effort to
question the only two boys thought to have been the object of Plaintiff's
"inappropriate behavior."
Because of an uninvestigated and unfounded fear that
John Doe would sexually molest some young boys in attendance at the
session, defendants threw him out. Because of these "events"
plaintiff is not considered a candidate to attend future sessions. Rather,
defendants have the gall to claim that the alleged defamatory statements
"clearly do not charge the plaintiff ... with commission of a crime,
infamous or otherwise." Defendants claim that "to like, or be
preoccupied with young boys is not a base, vile or depraved act
constituting a crime of moral turpitude "beyond all question."
Defendants' Memorandum of Law, pp.9-10.
Defendant's motion should be denied in its entirety and
plaintiff's motion for summary judgment finding that the words defendants
uttered and wrote about the plaintiff were defamatory per se, should be
granted and the issue of plaintiff's damages should proceed to trial.
II. Factual Background
Plaintiff's Amended Complaint alleges three counts of
slander, one count of libel and two counts involving infliction of
emotional distress. All of the claims arise out of plaintiff's attendance
of the 1988 session of HHC which was held at the Broadplace School in
Anytown, Anystate between January 12 and January 24, 1988. The fifth and
sixth causes of action are not subjects of defendant's or plaintiff's
Plaintiff arrived at the Broadplace School for the 1988
HHC session on or about January 14, 1988. During that session Dennis
Crawford told Daniel Anderson, then a 13-year-old boy, to "watch out
for John Doe because he is known for liking young boys. If he ever tries
anything, just tell one of us." That statement was made in the
presence of another adult male. On the evening of January 16, 1988 a
meeting of the faculty of HHC was held at which allegations of John Doe's
alleged preoccupation with young boys was discussed and it was determined
that John Doe would be asked to leave the remainder of the session. On the
morning of January 17, 1988, John Doe was asked to attend a meeting with
Harrison Adams, Sara Jones, and Bob Walters. At that meeting John Doe's
alleged "inappropriate conduct, i.e. preoccupation with young
boys" was discussed with John Doe and he was asked to leave the
remainder of the HHC session, although he was allowed to return for the
anniversary banquet on Saturday, January20, 1988. The conversations which
took place during that meeting were summarized in a memorandum dated
Wednesday, January 17, 1988 which was prepared by Harrison Adams.
The principal basis for John Doe being asked to leave
the 1988 HHC session involved two instances of physical contact between
John Doe and two young boys, which occurred in public environments in
plain view of a number of people. Harrison Adams testified at this
deposition that one incident involved John Doe touching muscles of Daniel
Anderson while John Doe was demonstrating to Daniel Anderson the use of
certain weight lifting equipment. Defendant Adams claims that he could
tell by Daniel Anderson's "body language" that Daniel was
uncomfortable with the contact. None of the defendants inquired of Daniel
Anderson prior to plaintiff's ouster from the 1988 HHC session, whether
in fact any untoward behavior had occurred between plaintiff and Daniel
Anderson or whether Daniel Anderson was made uncomfortable in any of his
interactions with John Doe. Daniel Anderson has specifically denied
feeling uncomfortable with the attention given him by John Doe and has
denied that any inappropriate sexual contact of any nature took place.
Defendant Bob Walters observed plaintiff throw his arm
about a young boy named Jeremy Moore while Jeremy and plaintiff were
standing in front of an entrance to the dining hall. After plaintiff
departed, defendant Walters inquired of the boy if he had been made
uncomfortable by the contact. The boy denied it. Notwithstanding actual
knowledge that no "inappropriate behavior" had occurred between
John Doe and Jeremy Moore, defendant Walters participated in the
discussions leading up to and culminating in Doe's being told to leave the
1988 HHC session.
The defendants have conceded that they feared that John
Doe would sexually molest young boys in attendance at the 1988 HHC session
unless he were required to leave the session. Defendant Sara Jones testified as
Where an allegation of slander per se is established,
injury to reputation is presumed, and need not be proven by special
damages or otherwise. Id. Urban v. Hartford Gas Co., 139 Conn. 301, 308
(1952). Where defamation per se is established, plaintiff is entitled
recover general damages for the injury presumed to his reputation and for
the humiliation and mental suffering caused him. See Proto v. Bridgeport
Herald Corp., 136 Conn. 557, 571 (1950).
Connecticut courts have long recognized slander to be
actionable per se where the utterance falsely charges a crime involving
moral turpitude or to which an infamous penalty is attached. Moriarty
v. Lippe, 162 Conn. 371,383(1972); Yakavicze v. Valentukevicious, 84 Conn 351,
353 (1911). The court in Moriarty recognized that "moral
turpitude ...
is a vague and imprecise term to which no hard and fast definition can be
given." Id. [citations omitted]. Nonetheless the court defined moral
turpitude in that case as "an act of inherent baseness, vileness or
depravity in the private and social duties which man does to his fellow
man or to society in general, contrary to the accepted rule or right and
duty between man and law." Id. [citations omitted].
Webster's Deluxe
Unabridged Dictionary, 2d. Ed., (1979) defines "morals" as
"principles and practices in regard to right, wrong, and duty;
ethics; general conduct or behavior, especially in sexual matters."
The same dictionary defines "turpitude" as "baseness and
shameful wickedness."
"Defamatory language may be connected with other
language in a way which explains that its use is not defamatory. It may be
so attached to a subject or an event, as that it does not have the meaning
which the words ordinarily import." Yakavicze v.
supra at 353:
Words claimed to be slanderous are to be given their
natural and ordinary meaning and to be understood in the sense which
hearers of common and reasonable understanding would ascribe to them; and where their meaning is
not apparent upon their face it is for the jury to determine what it was
... Whether or not an utterance is slanderous per se depends, not upon the
necessity of an innuendo to make clear its purport, but upon the nature
of the charge embodied in it, taking it in the sense in which common and
reasonable minds would understand it. Terry v. Hubbel, 22 Conn. Sup
248,255-256 (1960) [citations omitted].
This court, in determining, as a matter of law, whether
the statements alleged are defamatory per se as a matter of law, must
examine the statements in their entirety, not in incomplete parcels as
defendants would have the court view them. We are not talking in this case
simply about whether or not the plaintiff "likes young boys" in
the sense that any adult or parent may be thought to like boys. Rather,
the words alleged in the complaint, "Watch out for John Doe because
he's known for liking young boys. If he ever tries anything just tell one
of us," spoken by Dennis Crawford to Daniel Anderson, must be given
their natural and ordinary meaning so as to be understood in the sense
which hearers of common and reasonable understanding will ascribe to them.
In this instance, the words of Dennis Crawford clearly tell Daniel
Anderson that John Doe is known to sexually molest children and that
should John attempt to molest Daniel, Daniel should inform one of the
adults. As outlined in this memorandum, it is clear that not only do the
words alleged convey the notion that plaintiff is a child molester, that
is what defendants intended those words to convey, because that was their
In Yakavicze v. Valentukevicious, supra, the court
said: "to say of one, 'you murdered my brother, he never intended to
shoot you when he drew his pistol on you,' is not a charge of murder,
since the meaning of the charge is controlled by the occurrences which
proceeded and occasioned the killing." Similarly here, using the same
rationale, the language spoken by Dennis Crawford cannot be construed
innocuously. The language on its face charges the plaintiff with being a
child molester and certainly when "controlled by the occurrences
which proceeded" and succeeded the making of the statements, it is
clear that the plaintiff is being charged with being known for having
committed a criminal act — child sexual abuse.
It would seem not to require any argument that to be a
child molester, to commit the crime of child sexual abuse, is a crime of
moral turpitude. Plaintiff believes this court can take judicial notice
that our society has been intently concerned with issues of child abuse at
least since the promulgation of the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment
Act, Public Law 93-247, 42 U.S.C § 5101 et seq. in January 1974. As stated
by Dr. Underwager:
Child abuse and child sexual abuse are thought to be
epidemic in our society. Much is made of the rapid increase in reports
of abuse. It is sometimes claimed that not only have reports increased,
but the actual frequency of abuse has dramatically increased to produce
such startling numbers as 1,500,000 American children abused every year.
This is fifteen to twenty times the estimates of the frequency in other
societies. The conclusion then drawn is that our society is sick
(Underwager Affidavit).
That the crime of child abuse is infamous also seems to
go without saying. Conn. General Statute § 53a-71 indicates that a
is guilty of sexual assault in the second degree when such person engages
in sexual intercourse with another person and such other person is under
16 years of age. Sexual assault in the second degree is a Class C Felony
for which nine months of the sentence imposed may not be suspended or
reduced by the court. Where a crime, such as that of sexual assault in the
second degree, is punishable by imprisonment, it is considered an infamous
crime. Battista v. United Illuminating Co., 10 Conn. App. 486, 493 (1987)
(citations omitted).
Words, though actionable in themselves, may concern a
transaction which constitutes no crime, the circumstances be stated or
known to the hearers which show that no crime was committed or
intended to be charged.
A charge of a crime will be presumed to be intended
unless facts and circumstances attending its making indicate that there
as not intent to charge a crime. Yakavicze v. Valentukevicious, supra,
at p.354 (citation omitted).
The words defendants spoke of plaintiff clearly accuse
him of criminal conduct. Defendants in their depositions admitted
plaintiff was asked to leave because they were concerned that criminal
conduct of a sexual nature might occur between John Doe and some young boy
were plaintiff to stay at HHC.
It has long been recognized that any words imputing to
a woman a breach of chastity are actionable per se as slander, without any
further averment. Frisbie v. Fowler, 2 Conn. 707; Kennenberg
v. Neff, 74
Conn 62 (1981); Ventresca v. Kissner, supra; Page v.
Merwin, 54 Conn. 426 (1887). Indeed in Page v. Merwin, it was held that to accuse a man of
the crime of fornication was defamatory per se.
The court in Page v. Merwin, citing Frisbie v. Fowler, supra, indicates that the rationale for characterizing as defamatory
se an allegation that a woman is unchaste, is that "by the laws of
this State the breach of chastity in every form, from adultery to mere
lascivious carriage, is punishable by statute,"
Page v. Merwin, supra at 434. The designation of acts constituting crimes,
being creatures of statute, are by definition, reflective of the will of
the people.
As more fully expounded in the affidavit of Dr. Ralph
Underwager, there is a long historical tradition undergirding the
opprobrious nature of a statement that a woman is unchaste. According to
the Old Testament of the Bible, a woman who showed licentiousness was
stoned to death on the ground that she threatened the life of the whole
people and made her father's house into a house of whoredom. A priest's
daughter guilty of licentiousness was burned alive because she desecrated
the sacred person of her father. Toleration of intercourse outside of
marriage by a daughter of Israel defiled the whole land and brought it
under the judgment of God. See Underwager Affidavit, p.4. In the New
Testament all extramarital and unnatural intercourse is repudiated. Id.
Dr. Underwager notes that during the 15th through 18th
Century western civilization's response to human sexuality included the
pursuit and extinction of witchcraft
The heresy of sexual passion became evidence in proof
of the heresy in the name of witchcraft ... the allegation at the base of
the concept was concupiscent and licentious sexual behavior between
women and various demi-gods and demons. The theory of demon possession
has its roots in unfounded dogmatic beliefs about unchaste sexual acts.
... There was little chance that those in pursuit (of
witches) would fail to find them. Guilt was proved by accusation
Throughout history an accusation of licentious, unchaste behavior
against a woman has had the power to establish guilt without determination
of the facts. Id.
Dr. Underwager concludes his summary of the
classification of unchastity by saying
The cognitive, emotional and moral contents of the
classification of unchaste, promiscuous, concupiscent, and licentious
behavior by women has remained constant across cultures and time. It is
pernicious, baneful and baleful. This fact is the basis for the law's
awareness that an accusation is damaging in and of itself and does not
require further proof of damage. Id.
In his affidavit Dr. Underwager also traces the history
of societal perceptions of child molestation. Dr. Underwager notes that in
the mid-16th century legislation in England reflected a sense that there
was a need for protecting children from sexual exploitation. Laws were
passed in the 16th Century protecting boys from forced sodomy and girls
under ten from forcible rape. Id.
While concerns about children's sexuality went through various phases and fluctuations, Dr.
Under-wager notes that a new era of public attitudes toward abuse in
general and sexual abuse in particular, began in 1874. In that year, the
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals intervened in a case
where a stepmother was found beating her child with a leather thong and
allowing the child to go scantily clothed in bad weather. The child was
removed from her home and the stepmother was sentenced to prison. In that
same year a social welfare agency dealing specifically with sexual abuse
and children's "immoral" behavior was established in new York,
representing the first time the government accepted the power to remove
children from their parents because of sexual abuse or children's immoral conduct.
A more recent watershed development in the public
concern with child sexual abuse occurred in 1974 with the signing by
President Nixon of the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, Public
Law 93-247, 42 U.S.C §1501, et. seq. Underwager notes that since the
passage of that statute child abuse and child sexual abuse increasingly
are thought to be epidemic in our society. Underwager notes
It has been asserted that Americans, for all practical
purposes, American males, have suddenly and inexplicably begun to abuse
children in larger numbers and with more bizarre behaviors than have ever
been known in the world before ... Men accused of sexual molestation are
declared to be emotionally sick. ... Molesters are said to be unable to
change. Treatment can only help to place checks on the behavior, not
change their inner disposition to abuse children. Id.
Underwager goes on to say
The progression in our society's consciousness from
physical abuse to sexual abuse means that emotions generated by the
former are attached to the latter. Add the antisexuality evident in the
prevention literature, the broad definitions of sexual abuse so as to
include almost any touching, and the genitalized view of sexuality found
in the literature and rhetoric dealing with child sexual abuse. The
result is the society's emotional investment in the pursuit and
punishment of sexual abusers. Id.
Dr. Underwager concludes
A historical and content analysis of the
classifications of unchaste women and child molester have demonstrated
extensive similarities between the two concepts. Both are equally
opprobrious, pejorative, baleful and baneful. If the law accords the
presumption of damage to this statement indicating classification of
individual as an unchaste promiscuous or licentious woman, then it must
do so for a statement alleging a classification as a child molester.
damage done is equally as devastating, if not more so than an
appellation of unchastity. Id.
The legal and sociological basis for interpreting an
allegation of unchastity to a woman as defamatory per se is equally, if
not more applicable to an allegation that an individual, particularly a
man, is a child molester. Indeed, the allegation that one merely "may
be" a child molester is sufficiently damaging and opprobrious to
warrant a finding that it is defamatory per se.
As noted above, in addition to allegations of crimes
involving moral turpitude and unchastity, it is also slanderous per se to
make statements in derogation of one's existing business or charging a
professional man with general incompetence. Wright & Fitzgerald,
Connecticut Law of Torts, §147 (2nd Ed., 1968). For the reasons set forth
in the point above outlining the history of allegations of unchastity and
child molestation, plaintiff contends that the allegation by the
defendants that plaintiff was known for liking young boys and thus
constituted a risk of injury to young boys in the camp, is language clearly
charging him with "general incompetence," and is damaging to
plaintiff in his business or profession. Even this court recognized the
devastating potential of repeating such an allegation in the discovery
proceedings in this case and restricted defendant's ability to make
inquiries of plaintiff's former employers and other associates concerning
Defendant had in its Request for Production, Inspection
and Examination asked for authorization forms to enable defendants to seek
"basic background information such as plaintiff's prior residences,
employment history and previously held physical fitness positions."
Defendants claimed this information was necessary to enable them to
investigate issues raised by plaintiff's allegations and to properly
prepare their defense. At the argument on the motion, defendants' counsel
argued that her inquiries should not be limited in any way, and that she
should be entitled to specifically inquire of previous employers if
plaintiff was known or had a reputation in any of these locations for
having an interest in young boys or some sort of sexual preoccupation with
young boys. Plaintiff argued that such an inquiry would increase the very
harm that plaintiff was trying to redress by this lawsuit. Plaintiff
argued that defendants' inquiries should be limited to broad-based
questions seeking information generally about plaintiff's reputation, and
that if, and only if, a response to such an inquiry suggested the need for
a further inquiry on specific items of misconduct, that defendant should then return to the court for further
guidance as to how to conduct that investigation while trying to minimize
further injury to the plaintiff. The court by its order granted
plaintiff's motion to compel production of authorizations and to permit
such background inquiries but limited the extent and manner to which
plaintiff could make those inquiries. The court's ruling on that motion
constitutes clear recognition of the fact that even to ask plaintiff's
employer if he had a reputation for being preoccupied with young boys,
would tend to injure plaintiff in his profession. Clearly, such a question
suggests that plaintiff has engaged in some kind of improper and criminal
conduct with young boys. The question clearly impugns plaintiff's
integrity. With respect to the motion to compel a response to defendants'
Interrogatories and Production requests, this court quite correctly acknowledged the harm explicit in making such an inquiry.
Count IV of plaintiff's Amended Complaint alleges a
cause of action for libel. Specifically, plaintiff claims that the words
spoken by Dennis Crawford were reduced to writing by the defendants and
were published and disseminated by them to other persons involved in
physical fitness at Happy Hills Camp and elsewhere. Amended Complaint,
paragraph 13. Indeed, in response to a discovery request, the defendants
produced a memorandum dated January 17, 1988, which purports to be a
summary of a discussion held on that day among Harrison Adams, Bob
Walters, Sara Jones and plaintiff John Doe. That document was prepared by
Harrison Adams and retained in his files until approximately the spring of
1988 when it was disseminated to Bob Walters and Sara Jones. While the
document scrupulously avoids such words as "child abuse" or
"child molester" or "pedophile," whether that document
is libelous per se must be determined upon its face.
While the court must obviously consider the document in
its entirety, the following language is particularly reflective of the
topics discussed: to wit, the allegation that plaintiff is a child abuser
and that his presence constitutes a threat to the safety and health of
young boys in attendance at HHC. The first paragraph of the memorandum
indicates that the meeting was regarding "Mr. Doe's inappropriate
behavior, i.e. preoccupation with young boys." Paragraph 2 says in
part, "we voiced our concerns about HHC, Broadplace and John's
reputation." Paragraph 3 indicates that "all agreed to the
following: a) watch John while he is here. b) ask him not to return as he
had planned." Paragraph 4 concerns "John's response to allegations."
It includes the statement that he "asked to meet with staff and
discuss the entire issue and confront those who had accused him. We stated
this was not possible as it is a very sensitive issue." Paragraph (f)
reads "he stated that he had been tried and convicted. We stated this
was not a court of law."
The language of the document clearly admits that John
Doe had been accused of misconduct involving inappropriate behavior with
young boys which was of such a sensitive nature that John could not even
discuss it with anyone. In response to John's statement that he had been
"tried and convicted," the assembled group of Adams, Walters and
Jones responded, in essence, that they had no obligation to permit John to
defend himself against the accusations since "this was not a court of
law." Indeed, it was little more than a lynch mob.
To claim as defendants do that "there are no
libelous statements in this case ... there is nothing substantially
untruthful in this document" is audaciously facetious. Plaintiff has
contested since the meeting on January 17, 1988, the allegation that he
had engaged in any "inappropriate behavior" or had any
"preoccupation with young boys" as specified in the document and
as spoken to Daniel Anderson by Dennis Crawford. When plaintiff was asked
at this deposition if the document was "a general description of the
events that took place at the meeting on January 17" he responded
that "it appears to be a rather revisionist view of what took place
... There are some omissions which would give you a wrong idea of what
this means." While the document contains the statement "he (John
Doe) thanked us for acting quickly and professionally," plaintiff
testified that this was a bald statement which failed to reflect the
sarcastic tone with which John "thanked" those present at the
meeting. In response to the question from defendants' counsel "is
there anything that is untruthful in the summary as it is set forth,"
Doe responded:
Twice he, twice the statement there talks about
thanking them for acting professionally, and what actually happened was
that I very bitterly and sarcastically said to them that I would like to
thank you for acting so professionally now that the entire faculty is
convinced I am a child molester and the damage is done. I am very glad
to see you are taking steps to make sure it doesn't go any further.
In essence, plaintiff testified this document was a
truthful recitation of false and defamatory statements made against him.
That is a far cry from an admission by plaintiff, or the establishment by
defendants, that the document truthfully proves defendant was in fact a
child abuser, so that the document can be found not to be libelous at all.
Where a party seeks to defend a libel action on the
basis of truth, his obligation is to prove that the acts alleged in fact
occurred, not that some document with truthful accuracy recounted false
and defamatory statements made in a conversation. Defendants have
glaringly failed to offer even one scintilla of evidence in support of
their defense of truth. As noted in the factual section of this
memorandum, the defendants specifically state that they are
"presently unaware of any person who participated in, witnessed, or
has information concerning one or more incidents of inappropriate conduct
as defined herein." Conspicuously absent from defendants' Motion for
Summary Judgment is an affidavit from any individual who observed
plaintiff conducting himself in such a way as to establish truth as a
defense to the libelous statements contained in the document, or the
slanderous statements alleged in the first three counts of the complaint.
In contrast, plaintiff has established through the affidavit of Daniel
Anderson and the testimony of the defendants, that in fact no instances of
conduct substantiating the truthfulness of defendants' allegations took
In Charles Parker Company v. Silver City Crystal Company, 142 Ct. 605,
611 (1955), the court says:
If one deliberately commits defamatory words to
writing or printing and then publishes them by reading them aloud or by
circulating copies, as in a newspaper, to others, the offense is much
more serious and the result much more permanent than if the words were
simply spoken. ... What gives the sting to the writing is its permanence
of form. The spoken work dissolves, but the written one abides and
perpetuates the scandal. ... The basis of the distinction between libel and
slander is the written or printed word or passage. Having been reduced
to permanent form and published, the written or printed word has greater
capabilities of harm. (citation omitted)
While the very nature of the false accusations made
against plaintiff herein and his public discharge from the 1988 HHC
session themselves are stinging indictments of plaintiff, those events are
made even more harmful through their perpetuation in the files of Happy
Hills Camp by this memorandum of meeting dated January 17,1988.
Although defendants don't specifically claim that this
document is protected by a qualified privilege, they obliquely refer to
that concept at page 14 of their memorandum of law when they say "the
document was not published to anyone not in attendance at the meeting, or
named as a defendant in this lawsuit." Plaintiff has not found any
case which suggests that a qualified privilege extends among defendants to
a lawsuit. Furthermore, to the extent a qualified privilege may have
A conditional or qualified privilege may be abused or
lost if the defendant published or broadcast the defamatory remarks with
malice, improper motive, or bad faith. ... Therefore, a conditional privilege may be recognized
only where the statement is made in good faith, without malice, in an
honest belief in the truth of the statement, and in discharge of public
or private duty.
Miles v. Perry, 11 Conn. App. 584, 594, (1987); Atwater v. Morning News
Co., 67 Conn. 504, 513 (1986); and Charles Parker Co. v.
Silver City Crystal Co., supra. Where the plaintiff is a private
individual, he only needs to prove actual malice in order to rebut a
defense of privilege and recover general damages, merely by a
preponderance of the evidence. Miles v. Perry supra, at 590.
Miles v. Perry is a particularly illustrative case
because of a factual similarity between that case and the case now before
the court. In Miles, the defendants appealed from a trial court conclusion
that they had defamed the plaintiff, a former financial secretary of a
church, by stating orally and through photographic slides and prepared
texts supporting their oral statements, that the plaintiff had engaged in
"questionable transactions." At trial various witnesses
testified on behalf of the plaintiff that there was no question in their
minds that defendants' reference to the "former financial
secretary" related to the plaintiff and that all the defendants were
accusing the plaintiff of misappropriating church finds, notwithstanding
that the misconduct was couched in terms of "questionable
transactions." Id. at pp.586-587. With respect to the defense of
privilege, the Appellate Court said:
The privilege extends to defamatory falsehoods only
if made without malice, under an honest belief that they are true and in
good faith. The trial court in this case specifically found that
defendants failed to act in good faith, and that finding is supported by
the evidence. The evidence showed the frailty of the defendants' claims
and the ease with which they could have ascertained the truth upon a
good faith investigation before accusing a devoted and longstanding
church member of misappropriating church funds. Miles v. Perry,
supra. at
Here, defendants Hodges, Crawford, Walters, and Jones
have testified at their depositions that they made no inquiry whatsoever
of the two boys who were believed to have been the objects of
inappropriate behavior by John Doe. Daniel Anderson's affidavit states
specifically that "at no time during the session did any person ask
me if I had any sexual conduct with Mr. Doe or if Mr. Doe had indicated to
me in any way a sexual interest in me." Further, Daniel Anderson
acknowledged the physical contact directed to him by John Doe while Doe
was instructing him in the use of weight lifting equipment, which was testified to by
defendant Adams. But Anderson said "at no time whatsoever did Mr. Doe
ask me or encourage me to engage in any sexual contact with him. Mr. Doe
never touched me in a sexual way.
Defendant Walters specifically inquired to Jeremy Moore
if Jeremy had been made uncomfortable when John Doe put his arm over his
shoulder in front of the dining hall and Jeremy told Mr. Walters that he
felt there was no problem by that conduct.
Even though defendant Walters had actual knowledge of
the fact that one of the young boys with whom John Doe was thought to have
engaged in "inappropriate behavior" indeed felt that no
inappropriate behavior had taken place and was not troubled in any way
whatsoever by John Doe's attentions, Walters, nonetheless, participated in
the meeting and decision which culminated in John Doe's ouster from the
1988 HHC session because of "inappropriate behavior, i.e. preoccupation
with young boys" amounting to an allegation of sexual abuse of
Such conduct cannot seriously be considered good-faith
conduct. As in Miles v. Perry, the frailty of defendants' claims and the
ease with which they could have ascertained the truth upon a good faith
investigation, which was not done, warrants a finding that the defense of
privilege does not save the defendants from their per se defamatory
IV. Conclusion
For the reasons set forth herein, and in the papers
submitted in support of plaintiff's Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment and
in opposition to defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment, it is
respectfully requested that the Court deny defendants motion for summary
judgment, grant summary judgment finding that plaintiff has sufficiently
alleged slander per se in counts I through III of the Amended Complaint,
and libel per se in count IV of the Amended Complaint. The only issue then
to be decided by a jury is the amount of general damages to be awarded to
Dated: |
New York, New York
July, 1989
By |
Eliot R. Clauss, Esq. |

Affidavit of Ralph Underwager, Ph.D.
Partial Transcript of Hearing