Editor's Note: The following complaint and motion from the Avenal Adult Diagnostic and
Treatment Center in New Jersey is significant for two reasons. The first is that
it presents a view from the inside of a treatment and assessment procedure. There is a considerable controversy about the effectiveness or ineffectiveness
of sexual offender treatment programs. A voice seldom heard in the literature on
this issue is that of the people who are recipients of the assessment and
treatment procedures. It is reasonable to expect that there is some level of
bias possible in research programs that are designed, administered, and
interpreted by those persons who vend the programs and the assessment
procedures. It may be important to hear what the people who are assessed and
treated have to say about what they experience. It may assist in improving both
assessment and treatment. The second significant aspect of this complaint and
motion is that it demonstrates what a group of people can accomplish, living in
a Draconian, Spartan, and rigidly controlled environment with very few
resources. It may be difficult for anyone not actually living in a prison
environment to grasp or comprehend what it may be as far as ability to function. It is likely that many of the persons functioning quite well in a normal
academic or business environment could not make it at all in a prison. This
effort from within that environment deserves respect and acknowledgement even if
is is not agreed with as a complaint.
Ralph Underwager
August 11, 2003

Webmaster's Note:
The following web pages are
reproductions of legal documents. They are not scanned
originals. The contents have been formatted for best viewing by
browser; for example, I have added double spacing between paragraphs
for better readability.
All content is exactly as printed
in the original documents. There has been no editing, not even
of any misspellings or typos.
Al Heigl
August 24, 2003